A short time later Miss E. woke up and said, "hey, where's Daddy?".
Then the conversation went something like this:
Miss E.: What are you doing Daddy?
AK: I'm getting ready for work.
Miss E.: Why you have to go to work again?
AK: So we can have money and live in this house.
Miss. E.: But why we need money to live in this house?
AK: Don't you like this house?
Miss E.: Yeah....I want you stay home with me and play with me. Because I want to play with you because I like you.
AK: You like me?
Miss E.: Yeah, I like you.
AK: (out by the bed now) Do you love me?
Miss E.: Yeah, I love you.
It was super duper gushy sweet and it made me start thinking again. Does she even know how much her world is going to change in such a short time? Will she adjust well to having a sibling? And most importantly, how in the world is she going to SHARE her Daddy (she hardly shares him with me!)?
And right when we are starting to get the hang of one, we'll have two. Are we ready for two children? Will we have to establish a more strict schedule? Is this our last baby? Are we going to get ANY sleep? How will all four of us fit in one bed? Are we headed for a mini-van? Is there enough attention and love to go around?
Will he look like she did?

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