March 5, 2010


I live for weekends, as most of us probably do. I used to love Saturdays especially because I adore sleeping in. With a little one in the house, this is impossible...unless of course she sleeps over at her grandparents house (hint, hint...just kidding). NOW I love weekends because we get to be together as a family. Our Saturdays can get busy, but they are still great because we're together. Sundays are usually more relaxing...we go to church, eat a nice lunch and relax.

Ella in her Sunday Best (yes, those are chocolate chip cookies)

Last weekend we had an open house for Aaron's Campaign. He's running for County Supervisor. This weekend we have Ella's 2nd Birthday Party and our Young Marrieds Group from church is having a fondue night. Should be a fun-filled weekend!

Ella was born on a Saturday night. We actually went to the hospital right before midnight FRIDAY night and she wasn't born until 11:14pm Saturday. She came 3 weeks early (I still am sort of disappointed that we had to miss the musical we had tickets for) so we weren't really prepared. Here's a layout I made about the night she was born, using journaling her sweet Nana wrote in a book she gave Ella.
Have a great weekend!


Murphy's Law said...

ok how stinkin cute is she. her little piggies and adorable pose. love the lo. very cool!

Jennifer Davis said...

What a fantastic layout...that will be appreciated for sure down the road. Enjoy the weekend!

Malin said...

That layout is so sweet!

Pamela said...

Love your layout!! :)

Marlene said...

Another gorgeous layout....and that little girl of yours is too stinkin' cute!

God, where are you?

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