That's a I have a TON to share about our anniversary trip but it will have to wait as there is top news to be shared today.
Our top story today is that the balloon has safely reached the ground...FINALLY! A few mornings ago when I was being pulled half asleep to the playroom to watch Dora I was stopped in my tracks. The balloon was hovering in the doorway of the guest bedroom. Like a crazy woman, I grabbed the string, shoved it in the room and slammed the door before it could migrate to the too-tall-to-reach ceiling again. It has now made it's final landing. I don't know why I didn't just pop it...I guess I felt it hung in there for so loooong (since March 6th if you've forgotten), that I owed it to the balloon to let it deflate on it's own.
I also wanted to FINALLY share a layout! I made it awhile ago and FINALLY got around to taking photos. I also took photos of a few more layouts, so expect some creative posts soon!
"The Coolest Park Ever" (can't wait to go this year!)

close-up of pg1

close-up of pg2

In not so great news, Miss E. has hand, foot, mouth disease and it's no fun at all. A few nights in a row, she had a fever, so I took her to the doctor. Nothing seemed wrong so they ran some tests (poor baby had to give blood and go through the icky process of collecting urine...too much info but when I look back on the blog post I'll remember). We left for our trip not knowing what was wrong and when we returned we learned it was HFMD. Luckily it won't last too long and will go away on its own. No fun at all though...not at all.
I've gotten into the habit of sharing Miss E.'s favorite activities, and the activity of the week is puzzles! She is such a genious, I tell you! She can do so many "advanced" puzzles mostly on her own!
Lastly, Miss E. and I have been doing some gardening with the help of GG and Grammy. This weekend AK will be out there with us and I can't wait. Note: I don't like working outside really at all, but I love relaxing outside and playing outside and once the hard work is done we'll have a beautiful place to do both!
So there you have it. Lots of news, some photos, and the promise of vacation tales and creative posts. All brought to you by the letters E, A, K and eh!
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