It was super hard to decide which baby announcement to go with. I made them myself (patting myself on the back as I type) and I just kept making more and more. As usual, I found inspiration on sites like and It's way cheaper that way and I like making them my own. It's probably illegal or something but don't tell.
the one we sent out:
the rest:
lovely: I baked 21 loaves of bread today. not so lovely: I have a stye on my eye.
Thanks! Yes, I usually use Photoshop Elements 7.0, but my computer is slow, so I un-installed it! I used Microsoft Digital Image Starter Edition 2006 old but it works!
Do you have a program you use to create the announcements you did? I would love to learn and find out :) They look great!
Thanks! Yes, I usually use Photoshop Elements 7.0, but my computer is slow, so I un-installed it! I used Microsoft Digital Image Starter Edition 2006 old but it works!
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