October 15, 2010

the farm

Most Thursdays I try to make time to take Miss E. to story time. We went yesterday and she was very excited on the way to the Library. She told me that I should sit in the chairs and she was going to sit on the floor with "the girls". Most of the kids at story time sit with their parents. She likes to keep me at a distance. She's very independent that way.

I should point out that even though the children are reminded to sit criss-cross-apple-sauce on their bottoms, Miss E. always lays on her stomach during the stories. I have tried to correct her but I mostly just let her because it's so stinking cute and not really disruptive to anyone.

Miss E. at story time this summer:
Yesterday's theme for story time was farm/pumpkin farm. Miss E. stood up right in the middle of a book, came to find me and said, "But I wanna go to the farm!". I told her maybe we'll go on Saturday.

Last night before bed we were watching a Max and Ruby episode about pumpkins. Miss E. screamed joyously, "I'm going to the pumpkin farm too!". I don't even know if she really knows what a pumpkin farm is, but either way I guess we better take her...

Miss E. at the pumpkin farm 2008 @ 7 months old:

Miss E. at the pumpkin farm 2009 @ 1 yr, 7 months old: This year should be her most exciting year for choosing a pumpkin:)
I got this idea from one of my favorite bloggers (nienie) and I'm going to try to do it on my blog too!

Lovely: letting Miss E. have a dinner picnic on a bright red towel in the family room.

Not So Lovely: slipping on spilled bubbles in the garage and ALMOST falling...sometimes almost falling feels worse than falling, don't you think?

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