May 27, 2010

it was the best of was the worst of times

This is a tale about sleep.

Miss E. has been sleeping in our bed for about three weeks now. We never really had an issue at bedtime and she always stayed in her bed until morning. One night she just decided she was afraid and hasn't slept in her room since.

At first we didn't make a big deal about it and let her sleep on the love seat in our bedroom. She was really good and went right to sleep. Well, she must have noticed that Mommy and Daddy get to sleep in the same bed so she decided she would join us too. My mom says it probably doesn't seem fair to a two year old...why should she have to sleep alone?

I don't appreciate her kicking...especially in my head. Or how she sprawls out in my spot when I get up to go the bathroom for the fourth time. Or how she screams for juice, startling us to jump out of bed in shock at 2am.

But...I must admit it has helped AK and me get to bed at a VERY reasonable hour. And Miss E. has slept later in the morning. And there are times that her little hand reaches over and touches my face...and that just melts my heart. And I like having her right there to check if she's breathing (yes, I still do that). And it makes me feel like she's still our baby.

We will be laying down the law pretty soon and Miss E. will be returning to her own VERY pink bedroom, very soon. Until then we will try to stay patient and AK will try to refrain from sneaking into the guest bed.

The End.

P.S. That balloon is still on the ceiling (since March 6th)!

May 20, 2010

time for tea

We've been really busy in the K household lately...even more than usual. We (meaning me) also are experiencing a total lack of energy. Many things have been put on the back burner, including scrapbooking (for the most part) and most cleaning (ooops!). It's not for lack of ambition, because we have plenty around's just the season we're in.

For now, we're trying to enjoy the precious moments we have with Miss E, such as taking time to pick up sticks in the yard (a favorite activity I suspect her grandmas all taught her), snuggle while watching Dora, and enjoy our afternoon tea. Oh, and we (meaning me) are trying not to be too hard on ourselves if the beds aren't made and we are having sandwhiches again for dinner. There will be time to make gourmet meals later...and hopefully money to hire the maid I've been dreaming about.

May 6, 2010

um this is a little ridiculous

This balloon is from Ella's Birthday Party on March 6th. Yes, two months ago today. Yes, it's stuck on the ceiling at the tallest point in our house. When you want a balloon to last, it deflates. This is crazy. I wonder what the ceiling looks like without a balloon up there.

May 4, 2010

we like play-doh

Mostly, we like pink and purple play-doh, and mostly we like to make snakes with it, and mostly we love playing play-doh first thing in the morning.This is the start of something good...don't you agree (lyrics from a song I can't think of right now).

May 2, 2010

a layout

I've been wanting to get a layout up for awhile now. Here's one I made using some fun Jillibean Soup products and my favorite Martha butterfly punch. I tried using tone on tone with this layout and I love the results.

P.S. We planned on a low-key weekend but didn't do much relaxing. The good news is that we got the garage cleaned out (mostly) due to our neighborhood rummage sale, and it feels like we've gotten the ball rolling on some much needed organization! Maybe next weekend will involve less work and more rest:)

God, where are you?

Photo by  Ganapathy Kumar  on  Unsplash My Quest to Find the Moon Last summer, I took a course called Curriculum and Methods of S...